Reach & Reconnect Grantmaking Programme
Studies have found that social isolation and loneliness are associated with increased risks for a range of physical and mental health issues. According to the World Health Organisation, social isolation and loneliness are widespread, with an estimated 1 in 4 older people experiencing social isolation.
Engaging in meaningful and productive activities with others, improves mood, boosts cognitive function, fosters a sense of purpose and may even extend lifespan. A review of 148 studies examining the protective effect of being socially connected, found that social connection increases odds of survival by 50%.
Despite the very many excellent social, educational and recreational opportunities provided by the Community and Voluntary sector, many older people remain socially isolated and experience loneliness.
About Us
LFT Charitable Trust is a Belfast based family foundation offering small grants and support.
Our priority is to fund partner organisations which make a lasting difference to people’s lives; focus on reducing isolation, inequality and stigma; and inspire and empower individuals to realise their potential and share in the life of the whole community.
Objective of the Engage Grantmaking Programme
The aim of this LFT Grant making Programme is to reduce social isolation and loneliness for older people not currently being reached by existing initiatives.
We believe there is a gap in research at a local level to identify how best to reach and engage those most at risk of social isolation and hope this programme can offer some insight into this.
This grantmaking programme will support organisations to: –
- conduct community research on why some older people, who may be at risk of social isolation, do not participate in community activities and;
- deliver an engagement programme that will reach out and reconnect older people in their area with new and existing community-based activities.
The rationale for this approach is to avoid continual funding of social opportunities for the same engaged people within a community and through gaining insight, support organisations to reach out within their locality to more effectively reach those that remain isolated.
LFT is offering grants of up to £6,000 (£500 for research and £5,500 for project delivery) for programmes or initiatives that will engage new participants, who may otherwise be vulnerable to social isolation, to participate in existing, or new, community-based activities.
Application Process
Stage 1
Applications are invited in the first instance to undertake community research. Applicants should set out the objectives of their community research project and how they plan to undertake this research within a 16-week timeframe (April-July 2025). The application form is available here.
Successful applicants will be awarded up to £500 for their research costs. Examples of expenses which could be supported include volunteer expenses, telephone, postage, stationery, travel costs, room hire, third-party expertise, childcare costs etc.
The deadline for applications for the research element of this programme will be 12 noon Tuesday 11th February 2025. Completed application forms should be sent to grants@LFTCharitabletrust.com
Successful applicants will be required to complete and report findings no later than 12 noon 24th July 2025.
Stage 2
This stage is only open to organisations that have received a research grant in Stage 1.
Applications are invited from organisations who, informed by their research, have proposals to deliver a programme of engagement, specifically targeting those most vulnerable, to participate in new or existing community-based activities and build lasting social connections. Applicants will be required to attach their research findings with their funding application for the project delivery stage. The application form is available here.
Successful applicants will be awarded up to £5,500 for project delivery.
The deadline for applications for the delivery element of this programme will be 12 noon 24th July 2025. Completed application forms, along with a report detailing the findings of the research project, should be sent to grants@LFTCharitabletrust.com
Project delivery must occur between September 2025 – May 2026.
Timeline for Grant Programme | Date |
Submission date Stage 1 – Research | 12 noon Tuesday 11th February 2025 |
Stage 1 – Research | April – July 2025 |
Submission date Stage 2 – Research Findings and Proposed Project Delivery | 12 noon Thursday 24th July 2025 |
Stage 2 – Project delivery | September 2025 – May 2026 |
Submission of Final Project Review | 30th June 2026 |
Assessment Criteria
As with all funders, it is likely that demand will exceed available funds and so this will be a competitive process. Assessment criteria used to assess applications will include:
Stage 1
- Previous relevant experience
- Research objectives
- Proposed methodology
Stage 2
- Research Outcomes
- Previous relevant experience
- Rationale for proposed Engagement Programme
- Project Outline
- Number of new participants anticipated
- Approach to evaluation
- Impact (connectivity, wellbeing, social isolation and loneliness)
- Value for Money
LFT welcomes applications from prospective Grant Partners that meet the following criteria:-
- Grassroots community based organisations
- Projects must be delivered in Northern Ireland.
- Project beneficiaries must be aged 50+.
- This fund is for the identification of new Grant Partners only. LFT Grant Partners currently in receipt of a grant need not apply.
- Organisations must have the capacity to complete the Research project within 16 weeks of any grant award and no later than 24th July 2025 (as mentioned above).
- Project delivery cannot extend beyond 31st May 2026.
Preference will be given to organisations working in rural areas.
Reporting & Evaluation
LFT welcome the opportunity to visit the project during the delivery period and will seek an impact report from funded projects on completion of the project.
Enquiries at any stage of the application process are welcomed by the Secretariat. Grantmaking decisions are made by LFT Board of Trustees.