Arc gallery 3

Adsum gallery 6

Sbelfast gallery 2

Trk gallery 10

    Helping our partners make a lasting difference to peoples’ lives

    About Us

    LFT Charitable Trust was established to promote and support charitable purposes and activities. Our Trust is intended to be exclusively grant making, with no fundraising or operating activities. We are funded by donations from Alterity Investments.

    Grant Making

    LFT Charitable Trust is a proactive funder. We build our knowledge by talking to and meeting with individuals and organisations working within our priority areas. Where we identify opportunities and the prospect of a project that aligns with our current grant making policy, we invite proposals for funding. 

    We don’t encourage unsolicited applications.

    Tackling Poverty Grantmaking Programme

    Food and fuel insecurity is becoming a reality for many more people: 9% of all individuals resident in NI (13% of all children) are in food insecure households; 34% of households are classed as being in fuel poverty (approx. 247,000) and 3% of all individuals in NI used a foodbank in the previous 12 months.

    The aim of this LFT Grant making Programme is to identify and support charitable organisations working at the frontline and directly supporting people in poverty.

    Nurtured by Nature Grantmaking Programme

    Research continues to demonstrate the value of nature in improving health and wellbeing outcomes for people of all ages. Nature based interventions (NBI’s) can facilitate behavioural change through a structured promotion of nature based experiences and in doing so promote improved physical, mental and social health and wellbeing.

    The aim of this LFT Grant making Programme is to promote and harness the well-established links between the environment and wellbeing and to support organisations to increase community engagement and connectivity with nature for mutual benefit.

    Partners Showcase

    Identifying the right network of dedicated and ambitious partners has enabled us to deliver on our charitable purposes and activities. Here are just some of the life-changing projects that our grant partners have been involved in.

    • Sólás


      Initially established in 2009 as a charity supporting children and young people with a broad range of additional needs including autism and ASD.

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    • South Belfast Foodbank

      South Belfast Foodbank

      Responsible for providing over 270,000 meals to people in crisis and for the distribution of over 200 tonnes of food.

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    • Flourish NI

      Flourish NI

      Helping survivors of human trafficking not only recover from their traumatic experiences but also to regain self-belief and new skills so that they can lead safe, independent and fulfilled lives.

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